(Quick Reference)

Nimble Plugin - Reference Documentation

Authors: Sudhir Nimavat

Version: 0.5.2

1 Introduction

Nimble is an extensive application base for Grails powered softwares.

Nimble can save you months of development cost by providing common components that most of web applications require. Nimble provides beautiful UI and ready to use functionality for login, user registration, password reset, Users, Roles, Groups and permission management. Nimble provides administration portal from where all of the above stuff can be managed. Its possible to extends nimble administration portal to add other administration functionality for your application.

1.1 Overview

The following components make up the core of what Nimble provides to developers


By utilizing Shiro Plugin Nimble provides built in support authentication using locally managed accounts. Nimble provides ready to use UI for login, registration, password reset, user management, user login history.

Fine grained access control

By combining the three core access control concepts of users, groups and roles with the permissions engine exposed by Apache Shiro your application can achieve fine grained access control across controllers, views, services, GSPs and native Java logic. Permissions can be applied to users, roles and groups. Users can be members of an unlimited number of groups. Both users and groups are able to be assigned roles. Enabling permissions to cascade through this structure is where Nimble gains its real access control flexibility. This process is also dynamic. If you remove or apply a permission that ultimately applies to a currently active Nimble based user session that user obtains or loses access without needing to terminate their session.

2 Installation

Nimble can be installed in any grails project by declaring plugin dependency in BuildConfig.groovy as show below.

Step 1: Install nimble plugin

plugins {
      compile ":nimble:0.5.1"

For new projects, we recommend that you use the latest release of plugin. See Nimble plugin for latest version.

Step 2: Inject nimble into host application

inject Nimble into your host application so that you can customize various components as necessary for your use case. Execute the following command:

grails jack-be-nimble <package> <User Class Name> <Profile Class Name>


grails jack-be-nimble com.example.domain User Profile

This is a very non-invasive procedure as far as the host application is concerned. One of the main goals of the Nimble project is to make it as invisible as possible when installed in a host application so as not to clutter up your business logic. Once complete, You will have following files in your copied into your project.

  1. conf/NimbleConfig.groovy
  2. conf/NimbleBootStrap.groovy
  3. conf/NimbleSecurityFilters.groovy
  4. conf/NimbleUrlMappings.groovy
  5. domain/<package>/<User class>.groovy
  6. domain/<package><Profile class>.groovy
  7. views/templates/nimble/mail templates
  8. i18n/messages-nimble.properties

At this point you are ready to start using nimble. Launch you application using grails run-app command. Open you browser and navigate to <app_url>/main and you will be asked to login.

By default Nimble creates two user accounts automatically, one with user rights and one with Administration rights.

You can login as:

  1. user/useR123!
  2. admin/admiN123!

The admin user will be able to access the full UI.

Congratulations Nimble is now fully activated within your application and you're ready to start wiring up your business logic.

3 Configuration

Nimble configuration is devided into two files, DefaultNimbleConfig.groovy which is packaged inside plugin and NimbleConfig.groovy which resides into conf directory of host application. Values in DefaultNimbleConfig.groovy are all considered to be sensible defaults for most usage of Nimble, however all of these values an be overridden by simply redefining them in NimbleConfig.groovy

3.1 Configuring table names

It is possible to change the table names for domain classes provided by nimble.

Currently the following Nimble domain classes have been setup to utilize configurable table names

  1. User
  2. Profile
  3. Role
  4. Group
  5. Permission
  6. LevelPermission
  7. LoginRecord
  8. Url

Default table names specified in DefaultNimbleConfig.groovy is as below:

  1. user = "_user"
  2. role = "_role"
  3. group = "_group"
  4. profilebase = "profile_base"
  5. loginrecord = "login_record"
  6. permission = "permission"
  7. levelpermission = "level_permission"
  8. url = "url"

You can change default table names by overriding it in conf/NimbleConfig.groovy as shown below:

nimble {
  tablenames {
    user =  "user_master"
    role =  "role_master"
    group =  "group_master"

You don't have to override all table names, you can choose to override just selected.

3.2 User account configuration

You can configure things like whether to allow new user registration, username requirements, and whether new user account is enabled after successful registration as shown below.

  localusers {
    usernames {
      minlength = 4
      validregex = '[a-zA-Z0-9]*' //regex that should be used for validating username
   provision { active = false } //whether new user accoutn should be enabled or disabled after registration
   registration { enabled = true } //Allow new users to register or now

3.3 Password requirements

Nimble has password requirements for new user registration. Default is as shown below:

  passwords {
    mustcontain {
      lowercase = true
      uppercase = true
      numbers = true
      symbols = true
    minlength = 8

It can be overridden in NimbleConfig.groovy

3.4 Email Settings

Nimble can be configured to send emails for registration, password reset and email address change. By default mails are disabled. It can be configured to enable mails, and subjects of mails.

nimble {
  messaging {
    enabled = true
    registration { subject = "Your new account is ready!" }
    passwordreset { subject = "Your password has been reset" }
    changeemail { subject = "Your email address has been changed" }

Nimble depends on Grails for sending mails. You must configure mail plugin properly if you enable messaging in nimble.

3.5 UI Layout

Default layouts used by nimble views can be changed as shown below:

nimble {
  layout {
    application = 'app' 
    administration = 'admin' //layout used by nimble administration portal.

4 Customizing Nimble

Host application can customize many aspects of the Nimble plugin by overriding various components. This is not nimble specific, Standard Grails overriding conventions apply.

Overriding layout

Default layouts used by nimble are app.gsp and admin.gsp. The layout can be overridden by creating files with same name in grails-app/views/layout directory of host application.

Instead of overriding you may want to configure layout names in NimbleConfig.groovy

Overriding styles and Javascript

Nimble uses Grails resources plugin. Host application can override CSS/Javascript provided by Nimble plugin by overriding the resource bundles provided by nimble.

See NimblePluginResources.groovy to find out resource bundles.

Modifying Nimble side menu

Nimble side menu can be modified by copying _sidenavigation.gsp to grails-app/view/templates/nimble/navigation

Email templates

During installation, Nimble copies email templates into grails-app/views/templates/nimble/mail. These templates can be modified to change the content of emails.

5 Leveraging Nimble in your application

Nimble provides host of functionalities that can be leveraged by host applications, including dynamic methods and gsp tags.

5.1 Access control

One of the core functionality that nimble brings to any host application is support for authorization. Nimble utilizes Apache Shiro for access control process.

Access control in host applications is verified in one of two ways:

  1. By the host application making a direct call to subject.isPermitted(), subject.hasAllRoles() or subject.hasRole()
  2. By a grails filter invoking accessControl closure.

5.1.1 Enforcing access control using filters

One of the easiest methods for adding security to your host application is by configuring grails filters to control access to controllers and actions. Host application can call accessControl closure from within filters to authorize requests.

The following example shows the usage of the accessControl closure in filters.

Securing controller actions that require an authenticated user.

secure(controller:"product", action:"edit") {
	  before = {
	  	accessControl {

Securing controllers/actions that require a specific role or permission

secure(controller:"product", action:"delete") {
	  before = {
	  	accessControl {
	  		role("product-admin") || permission("book:delete")

5.1.2 Enforcing access control directly in code

Checking for permissions or roles in Java code as same as Shiro.

hasRole() - Checking if user has a role.

Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.subject;
if (currentUser.hasRole("administrator")) {

hasAllRoles(Collection<String> roleIdentifiers) - Check if Subject has all of the specified roles.

Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.subject;
if (currentUser.hasAllRoles(["manager", "supervisor"])) {

isPermitted(String permission) - Check if subject has specified permission.

Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.subject;
if (currentUser.isPermitted("book:delete")) {

5.2 Dynamic methods provided by Nimble

Nimble adds two dynamic methods getAuthenticatedUser and getAuthenticatedSubject to all Filter,controller and Service artefacts.

getAuthenticatedUser Returns currently logged in user or null if user is not logged in.

def sampleAction() {
	log.debug("current user : $authenticatedUser")

getAuthenticatedSubject Returns current subject, or null if user is not logged in. It is same as calling SecurityUtils.getSubject()

5.3 GSP tags provided by Nimble


5.3.1 Authentication and authorization tags


5.3.2 Utility and UI tags