(Quick Reference)

2 Installation - Reference Documentation

Authors: Sudhir Nimavat

Version: 0.5.2

2 Installation

Nimble can be installed in any grails project by declaring plugin dependency in BuildConfig.groovy as show below.

Step 1: Install nimble plugin

plugins {
      compile ":nimble:0.5.1"

For new projects, we recommend that you use the latest release of plugin. See Nimble plugin for latest version.

Step 2: Inject nimble into host application

inject Nimble into your host application so that you can customize various components as necessary for your use case. Execute the following command:

grails jack-be-nimble <package> <User Class Name> <Profile Class Name>


grails jack-be-nimble com.example.domain User Profile

This is a very non-invasive procedure as far as the host application is concerned. One of the main goals of the Nimble project is to make it as invisible as possible when installed in a host application so as not to clutter up your business logic. Once complete, You will have following files in your copied into your project.

  1. conf/NimbleConfig.groovy
  2. conf/NimbleBootStrap.groovy
  3. conf/NimbleSecurityFilters.groovy
  4. conf/NimbleUrlMappings.groovy
  5. domain/<package>/<User class>.groovy
  6. domain/<package><Profile class>.groovy
  7. views/templates/nimble/mail templates
  8. i18n/messages-nimble.properties

At this point you are ready to start using nimble. Launch you application using grails run-app command. Open you browser and navigate to <app_url>/main and you will be asked to login.

By default Nimble creates two user accounts automatically, one with user rights and one with Administration rights.

You can login as:

  1. user/useR123!
  2. admin/admiN123!

The admin user will be able to access the full UI.

Congratulations Nimble is now fully activated within your application and you're ready to start wiring up your business logic.